I sing you to me
The whisper of the wind tells me.
It echos down my body to my little toes, cool and pulling.
I see and hear a familiar voice calling me towards the sunset
A familiar body shape stands as a silhouette before the warm settling colours of the sun pushed into the clouds.
It’s my grandmother
We walk to the billabong
Crackling dust under my little feet as the pressure press down against the earth
It brings a comfort feeling of relief.
I eagerly demand why are we going to the billabong
Grandma voice replied
It’s time you know.
The other elders with their grandchildren enjoy the walk, the sounds of nature travels into their little ears and mine.
We reach the billabong
The flickering of the sun on the water makes my eye squeeze tighter.
It’s so vibrant
As the water lilies sun bakes on the water as they glide so peacefully
Bringing relaxation.
I feel strength in the air
In the the trees as the wind travels up into the branches
Strength on the land I stand on
I close my eyes and let it all in
I feel RICH.
I love this feeling I SAY
We gather fire wood for the fire
The old ladies break branches off the young white gum trees that grows along side the billabong.
We sit around the fire
The ladies started to sing
It goes like this “ your mind turns to me as I fill it with comfort, safety, security and dreams. Your appetite turns to me as I will feed it.
Your energy turns to me as I will energise you. Your weakness will turn to me as I give you strength. You are lost as I am your home. You won’t want to go on living as I will give you life and meaning.
I am your one and only
My Love. My heart is yours to keep. I surrender.”
I didn’t know the meaning of this but I stay
They soak the broken branches in the water then lay them on the hot coals to get a moist healing smoke.
It travels around us
It travels along side the billabong banks
Calming the water
The fishes, turtles, fresh water muscles and up the tree branches.
The water lilies dances with the wind.
The echo of the song travels up the trees into the leaves.
Then up it goes in the air
Our ancestors carry it up into the night sky
The song stay up there until it for fill it’s purpose.
Sweet calming melody sung by the present and pass.
It’s so quiet
The stars come alive
It mirrors in the water, so small
The land appreciate the beauty above
And we all away with the melody
Becoming ONE.
It goes.
Acrylic and metallic paint on canvas
100 x 150cm
Artist Statement: My name is Sharona Bishop, I am from a small outland called Bob’s Yard and my stories come from my grandparents who have sadly passed on. I miss them dearly but every time I tell their stories it makes me feel like they are present with me.
I share my background knowledge of my people through my dreamtime stories.
Name: Dadoongarly Tribe: Ngaringman Home: Bob’s Yard
Contact Tactile Arts on 08 8981 6616 or admin@tactilearts.org.au to purchase.