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Lucy Tinapple


We are all unique kaleidoscopic individuals, but we are often moulded into solid shapes by our environment. Malleable as we are, we bend and twist ourselves into different forms for different situations. Put on a different face. Become an alternate incarnation of our personality. One face for work, one face for friends, one face for family. But that poses the question – who really are we? Through this piece of wearable art, I sought to shine a light on the complexity and multi-layered nature of humans. And how, despite – or rather because of – our versatility, we lose track of our true selves. I chose to conceal my own face to emphasise how, when you strip back the multiple painted frontages, sometimes there is nothing left. At our core, we are a swirling void, exhausted from giving ourselves away in tiny, multi-coloured fragments. Facade represents how, in a warped world, we don’t wear our hearts on our sleeves, but rather don our many different faces.

Wearable 3D installation piece made from paper mache, wire and fabric
130 x 100 x 100cm

Artist Statement: Lucy is an emerging artist, who was born and raised on Larrakia Land. She has always been passionate about creating art and exploring many different mediums. Lucy is particularly drawn to sculptural and wearable art.

Contact Tactile Arts on 08 8981 6616 or to purchase.