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Doreen Dyer


I’ve taken a worn-out tablecloth, that is over 80 years old, and woven it with other fabrics and threads that I’ve eco-dyed and printed. The fragile fabric and lace of the tablecloth is like nature. It can’t be overused nor mistreated but needs to be gently coaxed to remain intact, even though no longer in a pristine condition. When wear and tear set in, steps must be taken to restore and protect the cloth, so that we can continue to enjoy the beauty of it. This is the same in nature. The stitching rescues the fragile cloth, but nature needs more than that – it needs to be protected, respected and restored. Sometimes, to stop the cloth deteriorating more and to preserve it, it can no longer be used. This is also the case with land areas that have been over-used.

eco-dyed and printed fabric, cotton and silk threads
41cm W x 43cm H

Artist Statement: My Grandmother and Mother taught me to sew, both by hand and machine, when I was five. Over the years I created pieces under their guidance, usually clothes and other functional items. In 1986 I took a class in Patchwork & Quilting and from then on, I followed this tradition with a passion. For many years I used my sewing machine to create my works, but then I also started to make pieces by hand using a ‘slow stitch method’. I led a very busy work life, but in 2014 I retired and have enjoyed working in my studio a few days a week. I like to rescue cloth from Op-shops and friends and eco-dye and print to change the nature of the fabric. I then use these to create an art piece. My works have been exhibited here in Darwin, throughout the NT, Queensland, NSW and USA.

Contact Tactile Arts on 08 8981 6616 or to purchase.