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Amy Morrison


When painting I like to explore landscape as a way of representing interior landscapes. The juxtaposition of an urban and a natural landscape opens various possibilities of meaning. Since living in Darwin, I have felt at times an incongruity between worlds living alongside or over the top of each other. This painting explores that feeling but meaning is open to the viewer. The history of places and the environmental impacts of urban planning are other possible meanings.

Acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement: I have always loved painting, particularly landscapes. I like to experiment with mark making and paint to capture the transient, such as light, clouds, water. I graduated from Winchester school of art with a BA in Fine Art (Painting) in 2009. I then went on to teach Art in a school in India where I met my (Australian) husband. Our two boys were born in Australia and the UK. We moved up to Darwin in 2021 to work at St Peters Nightcliff Church. Wherever I have lived I am inspired by the local landscape, people and environment, to paint.

Contact Tactile Arts on 08 8981 6616 or to purchase.